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Adult Literacy

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Prerequisite; Attend the Student Orientation and take the CASAS Reading/Math and a writing assessment. The Student Orientation takes approximately 2 hours in Adult Basic Education (ABE), an instructional program that teaches reading, writing, and math. To enroll in this class, students must score between 1-5 grade levels in the Reading, Math, and Writing assessments. The ABE Program serves learners with no or limited literacy skills or limited literacy skills below the 5th-grade level. These students include English speakers, ESL graduate students, and potential GED/ high school students. ABE classes teach reading, writing, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in small-group, whole-group, and individual settings. Once students raise their scores to 6 plus, they may move on to either High School Diploma or GED classes. We offer ABE classes in the morning (9:00 am-12:00 Monday-Fridays), afternoon (12:30 pm-3:40 Mondays and Wednesdays), and night (6:00 pm-9:10 Mondays-Thursdays). These classes are free.